Muy buena la herramienta, estamos empezando a utilizarla para modelados con el objetivo de alimentarlo a maquinas pefiladoras CC con todas las distintas operaciones.
Tengo algunas consultas sobre como se usan algunas herramientas:
1 - Para agragar Service Hole, Notch o Bolt, marcando dos puntos parece no tener problemas, pero las otras herramientas no termino de entender como utilizarlas, o parecen no hacer nada o extienden la pared sin producir el cambio.
Ejemplo de Service Hole V
2 - Blocks CC, no me queda claro que hace.
3 - Si entiendo bien, al modificar manualmente un panel CC, cortando, moviendo, girando los perfiles se freeza y si quisiera agregarle alguna operaciĆ³n manual, por ejemplo agregar un bolon, debo desfreezarlo y en ese momento se pierden las modificaciones. Se puede agregar alguna operaciĆ³n luego de modificarlo?
Desde ya muchas gracias!
Great. Thanks for the reply. I'm understunding much better now.
Not having problem with those tools now.
What's the propose of the L an X in some of the tools?
Please can you show how to use Bolt Hole? Doesen't seem to be working for me.
About Point 3.
"inside modifications" freeze the object. This means that you can modify manually using standard SketchUp tools like move, scale, rotate and the Custom Tools from SketchFramer, to make connections, cut profiles and so.
After editing a panel inside, you will loose the Parametric capabilities, so no more scaling the wall, enter heigh, length or any other parametric value (on properties).
To do that, you should unfreeze you panel. Custom editions will be lost here, thats why you should edit inside after general parameters are finished.
Hi! Will answer it on English, as I do not know Spanish (used translate) ;) We are very happy that you are using SketchFramer! 1. About Service Hole V. It should make a holes in vertical lines. If it doesn't... it means that there is a bug. Could you show how to reproduce it?
2. Blocks CC, do you mean the tool ' Blocks CC'? It should create block in CC elements. Is there any problems with that tool?
3. It depends. You can use all "Custom Tools" inside frozen elements. Use auto connect, cut profile, flip etc. About 'Element Tools' unfortunately you can't use them in frozen elements